Sunday, August 8, 2010

An urgent financial need at Hospital Loma de Luz

Dear Friends and Family, 

Hello from Honduras!  We pray that this note finds each of you well.  Our family is well.  We are enjoying a bit of a respite from the hottest times of the summer and yet sweating away in the heat and humidity that seems to always be here!  Mariah and Benny are enjoying their summer break from school and are already looking forward (though not always with eager anticipation) to returning to the routine of school next month.  :) 

Marinajo and I wanted to let you know about an urgent need for funds here at Hospital Loma de Luz.  The financial needs described in this email are not directly for our family, rather they are for the missionary hospital at which we serve.  We ask that you please read the brief financial synopsis below and please prayerfully consider how you might help in this time of need.  We know that God is able to meet every need and we know of the many, many times that He has shown Himself faithful to this ministry over the years.  We look forward to recounting this time in later years as yet another moment when the Lord heard us and He answered our prayers!   

It costs about $40,000 US per month to operate the hospital. This includes a payroll for Honduran workers of $20,000 per month and about $5,000 per month for electricity (electricity in Honduras is extraordinarily expensive!). This includes the Children's Center, which currently houses 19 children. Honduran workers are trained to staff the Children's Center and work in the hospital in various capacities as well as workers on the property to maintain the grounds and equipment.  While $40,000 per month might sound like a lot of money (and it is!), remember that this is the total required for the operation of the entire hospital inpatient and outpatient services, as well as many ancillary ministries.  We see about 200 patients per week in the clinic, and have an in-patient average of about 6 patients.  The average cost for the hospitalization of a single complex patient in the USA might be that same $40,000, so we are using money and resources very carefully.  

This week Lisa, our hospital administrator, came to the medical staff meeting to give the financial status report as follows:

At best, we operate with a cushion of only 2 or at the most, 3 months of operating expenses in the bank.  Currently, however, the donations are down to a bare minimum, and the hospital has had to lay off workers. Lisa reported that we have roughly $15,000 of operating expenses remaining, $10,000 of which was to pay 2 weeks of payroll and the other for electricity.  

There is a container full in the Gulf which Dr. Jeff wants shipped in the next month which will cost about another $5,000. Among other items in the shipment is a fluoroscope machine (x-ray) for the hospital.  

Patient fees account for only about 10% of the total operating budget.  The other 90% comes from donations, mostly from the USA.  We have no large financial supporters for the ministry.  All donations come from small churches and individual donors.  So we have been asked to pray and to get the word out to supporters on the current financial status of the hospital so they can pray also.

Dear friends, if you are able to help financially, please contact;

Hospital Loma de Luz 
Cornerstone Foundation
Kathleen Jones
18384 West Lake Drive
Saucier, MS 39574

We pray for God's richest blessings for each of you.  Thank you! 

Dave and Marinajo Fields
Mariah and Benny